EndNote is importing citations with incorrect capitalisation - how can I change this?

All the APA citations that I am importing from FiNDit or databases come with headline capitalisation instead of sentence capitalisation.


When exporting APA references from FiNDit or databases to EndNote, the article title will sometimes appear in EndNote in headline case (eg Classical Curriculum Design) rather than sentence case (eg Classical curriculum design). 

To change instances of this in EndNote 20 for Windows:

Start by highlighting the relevant citation in your Library.

  1. Go to the Edit tab located at the top of the right hand pane (see 1 in image below)
  2. Highlight all words in the article title (see 2 in image)
  3. Go to the Edit tab at the top left of the window, select Change Case > Sentence case
  4. Click Save in the right hand Edit pane

EndNote process of changing capitalization

* Journal title highlight (image above) - shows a journal title import that has lower case capitalisation. For instructions on how to permanently change the case of the Journal title, see FAQ link below.

  • Last Updated Feb 16, 2023
  • Views 149
  • Answered By Jackie Stevens

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