Answered By: Reeti Brar
Last Updated: Aug 22, 2023     Views: 61

At Notre Dame, Leganto is not available in Blackboard community sites. Many of these community sites are primarily established for temporary access to Blackboard, catering to pre-course activities for individuals who are not officially enrolled or employed at Notre Dame. These individuals are provided guest login credentials.

The nature of the Leganto license stipulates that reading lists published through Leganto cannot be shared with individuals who aren't officially registered as enrolled students or employed staff at Notre Dame. The licenses governing online Library resources also dictate that library subscriptions are exclusively accessible to officially enrolled students or employed staff.

Furthermore, Copyright licenses prevents uploading, scanning and distribution of copyrighted material (such as book chapters or journal articles) to participants via these community sites or any other means (e.g., email). Unfortunately, this is a result of the licensing framework in place. As long as participants remain outside the formal enrollment process, this situation will persist. Non-compliance with these licenses would potentially expose the University to legal actions.

To obtain further details about Leganto Reading Lists and for any inquiries related to Copyright, please feel free to reach out to the library at the following email address: