To export citations/ references from Sage Journals directly into RefWorks, follow the steps below.
- Search for your topic in Sage Journals
- Select the articles you want to export to by clicking the check box next to each article.
- Click on the "Download selected citations" link located on the left hand corner of the page above the search results.
- From the drop-down menu next to Format, select RefWorks
- Next, click on "Download Citation" tab
- Click on "Submit data to RefWorks" tab
- Select "Export to New RefWorks" option presented on the screen, this would take you to RefWorks. Log in to RefWorks if you are not already logged on.
- Click OK to complete the import and save the citations to you RefWorks library.
Alternate Method:
- Search for your topic in Sage Journals
- Select the articles you want to export to by clicking the check box next to each article.
- Click on the Download selected citations link located on the left hand corner of the page above the search results.
- Select RIS (ProcCite, Reference Manager) from the drop-down menu next to Format.
- Click on "Download citation" to download the RIS file on your desktop
- Open the RIS file (e.g. sage-Jsnb20_94. ris) located on bottom left of the screen and save it to you desktop.
In RefWorks
- RefWorks click on Add + tab on the left hand corner
- Select "Import references"
- Under Import from file option, Drag and drop the RIS file into RefWorks (into the box below), or use the link to “select a file from your computer” and upload it.
- Select "RIS Format" from the drop down menu next to RIS Format
- Click on "Import" tab
- Click OK to save the documents in your RefWorks library.
- RefWorks should inform you that your selected references were successfully imported
- Citations will automatically be entered into your Last Imported folder in RefWorks.
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