To export citations/ references from Sage Journals directly into RefWorks, follow the steps below.

  1. Search for your topic in Sage Journals
  2. Select the articles you want to export to by clicking the check box next to each article.
  3. Click on the "Download selected citations" link located on the left hand corner of the page above the search results.
  4. From the drop-down menu next to Format, select RefWorks
  5. Next, click on  "Download Citation" tab
  6. Click on "Submit data to RefWorks" tab 
  7. Select "Export to New RefWorks" option presented on the screen, this would take you to RefWorks. Log in to RefWorks if you are not already logged on. 
  8. Click OK to complete the import and save the citations to you RefWorks library. 


Alternate Method: 

  1. Search for your topic in Sage Journals
  2. Select the articles you want to export to by clicking the check box next to each article.
  3. Click on the Download selected citations link located on the left hand  corner of the page above the search results.
  4. Select RIS (ProcCite, Reference Manager) from the drop-down menu next to Format.
  5. Click on "Download citation" to download the RIS file on your desktop
  6. Open the RIS file  (e.g. sage-Jsnb20_94. ris)  located on bottom left of the screen and save it to you desktop. 

In RefWorks

  1. RefWorks click on Add + tab on the left hand corner
  2. Select "Import references
  3. Under Import from file option, Drag and drop the RIS file into RefWorks (into the box below), or use the link to “select a file from your computer” and upload it.
  4. Select "RIS Format" from the drop down menu next to RIS Format
  5. Click on "Import" tab
  6. Click OK to save the documents in your RefWorks library. 
  7. RefWorks should inform you that your selected references were successfully imported
  8. Citations will automatically be entered into your Last Imported folder in RefWorks.