How do I check my academic standing?

Academic Standing and Show Cause


 You can also check your Academic Standing in Student Centre by selecting Self Service > Enrollment > View My Grades, then selecting Study Period, and pressing [Continue]. Your Academic Standing will appear at the bottom of the resulting page.

If no Academic Standing appears, it generally means that it is yet to be updated. This is usually because there are outstanding interim grades, such as (H) Hold, (IP) In Progress, (DE) Deferred Examination, or (SP) Supplementary Examination which need to be finalised before the Academic Standing can be assigned.

Every student commences their program with an Academic Standing of Good Standing. If you pass 50% or more of your enrolled Units of Credit in the Study Period you will remain on Good Standing. If a student passes less than 50% of their enrolled Units of Credit in a particular Study Period, they will have their Academic Standing changed to Conditional. Should they then pass 50% or more of their Units of Credit in their next enrolled Study Period, they will return to Good Standing.  

From time to time students may find themselves in the situation where their Academic Standing reflects poor academic performance in one or more courses through the Semester. Most students in this situation are given the opportunity to ‘Show Cause’ which allows them to explain the reasons for their poor performance without having a formal Program Termination of University Suspension applied. If a student is eligible to Show Cause they will receive a letter from their Dean.

Find more on show cause by clicking the Show Cause FAQs link below.

  • Last Updated Aug 09, 2022
  • Views 581
  • Answered By

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