How do I update my email so that I can get my transcript?

My academic transcript was sent to my student email but I cannot open my account because it is out of date.


Please contact the IT helpdesk for assistance with email access problems.

In addition, if you have library fines in excess of $20, or overdue items, you will not be able to access your transcript. Please contact the University Library if this is the case.

Alternatively, you may be able to have a copy of your transcript sent elswhere by contacting Student Administration at your respective campus (a postage fee will apply):

You may also obtain an unofficial transcript of your academic record at any time and for no cost:

  • Go to your Student Academic Information page
  • Click on ‘Academic grades for each semester’
  • Click on the button ‘Print PDF’.

This can be printed out for your records but is not and cannot be used as an official transcript.

  • Last Updated Aug 09, 2022
  • Views 312
  • Answered By Matt Nash

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