What will happen if I contact a Respect Officer?


If you contact a Respect Officer to discuss sexual assault, sexual harassment, or family and domestic violence, the Respect Officer will offer to meet with you, and will treat you with compassion, empathy, understanding and respect. The Respect Officer will help to tailor a coordinated response that is appropriate to your circumstances, to help you continue with your studies.
Amongst other things, the Respect Officer will provide you with information about how you can access support within the University (including Counselling and/or Chaplaincy) and how to access external support options (such as police and health services). The Respect Officer will also provide information about the University’s formal reporting mechanisms for sexual assault or sexual harassment, so that the incident can be formally investigated (if appropriate) in accordance with the University’s misconduct and disciplinary processes.
If an international or incoming Study Abroad student makes a disclosure or a formal report that they have experienced sexual assault, sexual harassment, or family and domestic violence, if will not affect the student’s visa. If you have any concerns about this, you are encouraged to have a confidential discussion with a University Respect Officer.

  • Last Updated Jul 01, 2022
  • Views 66
  • Answered By Matt Nash

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