What is FiNDit ?


FiNDit is a search engine that performs a single search across the library's subscription databases. FiNDit search results may include journal articles, book/ebooks, videos, newspaper articles, dissertation/thesis, conference proceedings, grey literature and more.

You can also search beyond the libraries collection by selecting the 'expand my results beyond our collection' filter in FiNDit. This will include results which are held by other libraries. If you are eligible for document delivery and interlibrary loans, you can request these materials.

While FiNDit contains information from most of the Libraries' databases, there is some information that is not included. This includes some legal information (case law) and other specialist content. A list of all databases can be found on the library’s eResources page. For information about which databases are best for your subject area consult the library’s Subject Guides.

  • Last Updated Oct 25, 2021
  • Views 1055
  • Answered By Reeti Brar

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