You will need to configure your Find Full Text settings in EndNote by following the most recent instructions linked below. 

Even with the Find Full Text settings activated, this feature does not guarantee a successful PDF upload for every reference, there are a number of external factors that can impact the success rate, for example:

  • The DOI field is empty (If a DOI is available, you can manually enter it into the DOI field and try again).
  • PDF harvesting has been blocked by the database.
  • There is a known issue when retrieving full text from some databases i.e. Wiley, JSTOR and ScienceDirect. 
  • A specific article is part of a larger pdf of the entire journal.
  • There is no PDF available.

You can attach a PDF manually to an existing reference if the Find Full Text tool failed to import the PDF.

Note: you need to be running at least EndNote 20.3 for the OpenURL settings to work.