Answered By: Lucy Kelleher
Last Updated: Jun 10, 2024     Views: 42

Resources in Leganto are not customisable to display in a referencing style.

However, Reading Lists can be exported in a specific style at citation, section and list level. 

Quick Cite: 

  1. Hover over the resource you would like to cite
  2. From the [...] menu, select Quick Cite 
  3. Select your referencing style
  4. Copy citation to clipboard.  

Export a section:

  1. Hover over the heading of the section (e.g. Week 1) you would like to export
  2. From the [...] menu, select Export section
  3. Select Word
  4. Select your referencing style
  5. Select your sort order and desired fields
  6. Click Export

Export a list:

  1. From the top toolbar, click the [...] menu
  2. Select Word
  3. Select your referencing style
  4. Select your sort order and desired fields
  5. Click Export