When you are considering the type of reference to use, you need to think of the format of the actual source you're looking at - so you are asking yourself: am I looking at a print book? Is it a journal article online? Is it a webpage? Is it an online government document? This is an online government document, so let's start there.

Go to the APA Internet and social media section, and look for the Government documents tab (linked below). Note, though, that the format you would use for government documents is the same as a webpage, so you could choose to use the webpage examples to develop the reference format also.

Then you need to determine the information you need. Who is the author? In general, a government document would be a department, but as you can see below the document on the Apology webpage, authorship is attributed to Kevin Rudd - so add him as the author. You might like to consider using the APA Webpage example for Individual authors to help guide you through the layout, but to help you along, the following elements are what you need to put the reference together:

  • Author: Rudd, K.
  • Year: 2008
  • Title: Apology to Australia’s Indigenous peoples
  • Website: Parliament of Australia
  • URL: https://www.aph.gov.au/Visit_Parliament/Art/Exhibitions/Custom_Media/Apology_to_Australias_Indigenous_Peoples