• If you are accessing resources off campus via the Library’s discovery services or Blackboard you simply login using your University ID and password
  • To access licensed resources directly from the web, look for ‘sign in’ or ‘login’ on the publisher’s homepage. 
    • Click on the link and look for the OpenAthens, Shibboleth or ‘login via your institution’ button. Publishers’ login and terminology varies widely, so look for similar terms.  
    • Find your institution by using the search box. This will take you to your institutional login page where you can use your Notre Dame username and password to login.
    • Not every publisher has a search box. Instead, some list the national identity federation the University is a member of. Notre Dame is a member of the OpenAthens Federation
    • The first time you log into a resource, you may be required to accept the terms of use.   You will need to confirm that you have read and agree to these terms to be able to access the licensed content. If you do not accept the terms you may have limited or no access to this content