Please refer to the attached links, about referencing Government documents, reports or those with other organisational or corporate ('Group') authors. Some of them describe when to abbreviate group authors.

For APA 7th In-text citations "provide the full name of the group on first mention in the text, followed by the abbreviation":

"If the group name first appears in a narrative citation, include the abbreviation before the year in parentheses, separated with a comma", e.g.: 



During its November meeting the Ministerial Drug and Alcohol Forum (MDAF, 2019) received an interim update from the National Drug Strategy Committee (NDSC) about its 2018 Annual Report



"If the group name first appears in a parenthetical citation, include the abbreviation in square brackets, followed by a comma and the year": 



Committee members expressed satisfaction that the Australian framework for the National Drug Strategy had been refined and strengthened (National Drug Strategy Committee [NDSC], 2020).


APA 7th Reference list entries: