EndNote 21 includes APA 7th as a default output style. If you have any other version of EndNote, you will need to download the APA 7th style from the EndNote Downloads site - follow the instructions available via the Install a new style link below.


Known problems with the EndNote APA 7th style (as of March 2020):

  1. Multiple authors: EndNote cannot currently handle APA 7th's approach to 20+ authors. If you have more than 20 authors, you will need to edit your reference to replace the authors between the 19th and the last author with ellipses (...)

After you have finished using EndNote to create your references, and converted your document to plain text (using Convert Citations & Bilbliography > Convert to plain text - see link below) we recommend using the library's APA 7th referencing guide, or the APA Publication Manual to correct any mistakes.