APA 7th edition:
"Publisher locations are no longer included in APA Style references for books and book chapters."
"In your reference after the book title, include only the publisher name or names (or imprint or division) as shown on the copyright page of the book. Then add the DOI or URL associated with the work if available..."
Authored Book:
Fincher-Kiefer, R. (2019). How the body shapes knowledge: Empirical support for embodied cognition. American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/0000136-000
Hendrick, S. S., & Hendrick, C. (2019). Measuring love. In M. W. Gallagher & S. J. Lopez (Eds.), Positive psychological assessment: A handbook of models and measures (pp. 219–232). American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/0000138-014
- Parenthetical citations: (Fincher-Kiefer, 2019; Hendrick & Hendrick, 2019)
- Narrative citations: Fincher-Kiefer (2019) and Hendrick and Hendrick (2019)
"If there is no DOI or URL, omit the DOI or URL from the reference...":
Authored Book
Almarode, J., & Vandas, K. (2019). Clarity for learning: Five essential practices that empower students and teachers. Corwin.
Chapter in an Edited Book:
Billman, A. K., Hilden, K., & Halladay, J. L. (2009). When the “right texts” are difficult for struggling readers. In E. H. Hiebert & M. Sailors (Eds.), Finding the right texts: What works for beginning and struggling readers (pp. 203–226). Guilford Press.
- Parenthetical citations: (Almarode & Vandas, 2019; Billman et al., 2009)
- Narrative citations: Almarode and Vandas (2019) and Billman et al. (2009)
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