Using instructions from the Chicago Manual of Style Online, 14.61 (Freely available electronic editions of older work) and 14.6 (Editor or translator in addition to author), the template for the bibliography entry in Chicago is:

Original author. Title of work. Translated by translator first name then surname. Publication details of translated work, name of website, date published online. URL.


Therefore, the citations should be formatted like this:

First footnote:

Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics, trans. W. D. Ross (Clarendon Press, 1925; Internet Classics Archive, n.d.), bk. 2,

Subsequent footnote:

Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics, bk. 2.


Aristotle. Nichomachean Ethics. Translated by W. D. Ross. Clarendon, 1926, Internet Classics Archive, n.d.  


For further examples of how to reference electronic editions of older works, please follow the link below.