There are no examples of referencing a letter to the editor in the APA Publication Manual or in the APA Style Blog, however, there is mention of them. The Library suggests following the format below:



Writer/author. (Year, Month date). Title [Letter to the editor]. Title of newspaper, page number. 


If the letter you are referencing is sourced online ( i.e. from a print newspaper), omit the page number and provide the URL 

Writer/author. (Year, Month date). Title [Letter to the editor]. Title of newspaper. URL


Example with author:

APA 7th style 

McHugh, J. (1993, June 10). It’s past time to make a change [Letter to the editor]. The Canberra Times, 12.


Example no author:

APA 7th style 

ANZAC Day Observance [Letter to the editor]. (1944, April 26). The Mercury.


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