A reference or citation can be positioned at the beginning, middle or end of a sentence.
Following are the examples for the APA 7th referencing style.
Example of a mid-sentence in-text direct quote:
Interpreting these results, Robbins (2003) suggested that the “therapists in dropout cases may have inadvertently validated parental negativity about the adolescent” (p. 541), contributing to an overall climate of negativity.
When multiple studies support what you have to say, you can also include mid-sentence in-text citations.
Smith and Wexwood (2010) reported an increase in the number of books read, whereas Gibson (2011) reported a decrease.
You can also use mid -sentence in-text citation if the study supports only a part of the sentence so that it is clear which material has come from which source.
Reflective writing has been shown to aid students' understanding of their own learning (Lorenzi, Mackeogh, & Fox, 2004), as well as developing other study skills.
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