You can access examples of both hardcopy and digital Notre Dame theses via the University Library homepage:

  • For digital theses, search the University's research repository - ResearchOnline (which can be accessed from the links at the bottom of the homepage).
  • For hardcopy theses, use FiNDit to search for your topic, specifying "Dissertation/Thesis" under "Content Type", then selecting one of the libraries if you wish.

There are also thousands of freely available Australian and international theses and dissertations, accessible online via the open Web. Trove is the National Library of Australia's free repository of Australian material, with access to about a million Australian theses. Please see also the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) website for information about finding Australian theses.

The Library's Grey Literature Guide will help you discover print and online theses and dissertations at Notre Dame, and more broadly within Australia and internationally.