Student ID card

The ID card allows access to buildings outside of normal business hours and student printer access for all SafeQ enabled devices.

An ID card is printed for all current students and is given to them during their enrolment session. A sticker is added to the back of the card to show you are a current student. At the beginning of a new year please visit Student Administration for a new sticker.

Lost Your Card

If you have lost your card please contact IT to remove your lost card from your account. After your card is removed from the system, visit Student Administration to have your card reprinted.

A Student Administration Officer will reprint a new card for you, and remaining printing credits on your old card will be transferred. Register your new card to access campus buildings and printers.

Extra charge may apply to reprint the Student ID card.

Note: Please discard any found cards if a new ID has been printed. The system will automatically use the newest card number for access to university facilities.

Building Access

Campus buildings accessible to students or required after hours are accessible using a Student ID card. A card scanner is installed at the access door of these buildings and will scan green when a card is accepted for entry.

Please note your card must be registered before access to buildings is granted. Building access is not accessible without a Student ID card. If you have forgotten your card please speak with Campus Services for building access.

Printing Access

Every printer has a SafeQ reader installed on the front of the printer. New student cards require a 6-digit PIN to be assigned before access to print services is granted. Create or change your PIN through the Think Print Admin portal.

  1. Sign into Think Print Admin using your University ID and password
  2. Select "Generate PIN" under Access credentials
  3. Your new PIN will show onscreen and a confirmation email sent to your University mailbox.

Please kindly contact your campus Service Desk if you require assistance.