The University Library subscribes to the JSTOR database, which contains substantial collections of online archival materials. This is a good place to start your search.
You can also search across all the Library's holdings, which includes older material, using FiNDit. You will often be able to get the full text of the article. Tip: To find articles quickly in FiNDit, enter the name of one of the authors and a few words from the title.
Please also look at the Subject Guide for your discipline, which will have recommendations of resources for your research. You may even find alternatives from the Library's extensive collections.
If the University does not have the specific journal that you need, there are a couple of options:
- All students, including undergraduates, can borrow items from other universities as a Reciprocal Borrower. Search the FiNDits of other university libraries, and be sure to have a current student card to borrow from them.
- Honours and postgraduate research students are able to use our Document Delivery service, whereby an article can be copied from a journal at another library and delivered to UNDA. Please refer to the 'Document Delivery' link below, to find out more about this service.
If you need further assistance, contact your Research Services Librarian, who will help you locate older journal articles.
Links & Files
- JSTOR Opens in new window
- FiNDit Opens in new window
- Subject Guides Opens in new window
- Document delivery Opens in new window
- Reciprocal Borrowing Opens in new window
- Research Services Librarians Opens in new window
- Resource Access Request Form Opens in new window
- How do I search in JSTOR? Opens in new window
- How do I construct a search strategy in FiNDit? Opens in new window
- What are Subject Guides? Opens in new window
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