Enter the name of a journal in FiNDit. The journal should appear at the top of your search results.

You can also refine using the filters on the left hand side of the page: select 'Peer-Reviewed Journals' in the Show only section, and 'Journals' from the Resource Type section (you may need to click Show More to reveal Journals).

The following links indicate what access you will have to the particular journal within FiNDit. 

  •  Available (either online or in print)
  •  No online access (these items are outside the UNDA collection. Eligible students and staff may submit a request for document delivery).

Click on the "available online" link to navigate to the journal homepage, then select a volume and issue to browse.

BrowZine is another tool that allows readers to browse full journal issues, with a similar look and feel to reading a print journal. Click the link below to go to BrowZine, then

1.Type the journal title, subject or ISSN into the search box (remember to try American spellings too)


2. Choose the subject area in the list provided

Click the journal title of interest and browse through the volumes and issues. If you would like to save the journal for browsing later, ensure you have created your own individual account, sign in and click Add to my bookshelf (left-hand side under the title).