If you have lost or damaged an item you borrowed from the Library please contact the library you borrowed it from as soon as possible. If you have lost or damaged a book and it becomes overdue, you may still be responsible for overdue fines. Visit the link below to see when overdue fees apply. 

If you are certain the item is lost and not able to be recovered, you will need to pay a replacement cost.

If the item is damaged we will assess the possibility of repairs. If the item is unable to be repaired, and the damage did not occur from reasonable wear and tear, you will need to pay a replacement cost.

A common scenario for damaged books is water damage. If a book is significantly water damaged, particularly with water soaking the spine of the book it may not be possible to fully dry the book out. The book may still appear usable, but significantly water damaged books cannot be re-shelved as they will grow mould which may spread to other books in our collection.