If you are a currently enrolled student or a staff member at Notre Dame, you will have access to the electronic resources that the University subscribes to.

Some of the resources available include full text journal articles; eBooks; streaming video content; reports and conference proceedings; and indexing & abstracting databases (information on what has been published, not the full-text article)

You can access these resources in a number of ways:

  • Use FiNDit to search across most of the University Library's online resources and physical resources, at the same time.
  • Click on the eJournal - eBook Title Search link (found under the Search Tools tab on the Library website) to perform a title search for the electronic journal you require
  • Go to the eResources page (also found in the search tabs) for an A-Z list of all our electronic resources
  • Refer to your Subject Guide for a list of key databases in your area of study

Note: If you are off campus, you will need to log in using your Notre Dame username and password to access the electronic resources.