The library search tool, FiNDit allows you to sort your search results alphabetically by title or by author.
Enter the search term that you want to use in the Explore everything in the Library search bar. Then select sort by ‘author’ or by 'title'.
Tip: You can also search for items using a "wildcard" symbol or a truncation symbol. This is useful if you do not know the exact term for which you want to search. (For example, you may not know how to spell an author's name.)
The wildcard symbol represents a group of unknown characters in addition to those in your search criteria. You use the asterisk ( * ) for the wildcard. (For example, if you enter "man*" for an Author Keyword search, FiNDit displays titles by authors named "Mansen," "Mandell," "Manhattan," and so forth.)
The truncation symbol represents a single character in addition to those in your search criteria. You use the question mark ( ? ) for truncation. (For example, if you enter "man?" for an Author Keyword search, FiNDit displays titles by authors named "Man," "Mang," "Mann," "Mans," and so forth.)
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